'Your wisdom and artistry is a critical gift for the empowerment of other healers and for the healing of humanity at this epic time'.

Foster Gamble, Thrivemovement.com

Why Geometry? It helps therapists help clients

Learn more about workshops in geometry, fractals and  Neural Resonance Therapy® - a way for therapists to work more effectively while preventing therapist burn out. 

It helps you help yourself

The body taught me what fractals were, and Somatic Stretch® taught me how to use it. You can amplify your own healing abilities and resolve pain syndromes faster by learning to connect more directly with your nervous system using stretch, alongside a deeper understanding of the nature of fractals and the geometry of our inner anatomy. 

It will help doctors help you

The future of medicine is fast arriving...Soon your doctor will know more about fractals and cancer, fractals and a healthy heartbeat, and fractals in diagnosis. It's already here, and it's coming soon to a hospital near you...

Fractal Anatomy

from a somatic perspective means that while your hand or foot or ear may be a map of the whole body, any part of your body can be a map of the whole.

This was an ancient idea that seemed to have to no correlation to current western science, however as we uncover greater knowledge of the nervous system and understand the foundational role frequency has in orchestrating our nervous systems, these ancient concepts begin to make more sense.

From a medical and technological perspective

Fractal is a new word for old, Eastern understanding we could call ‘pattern recognition’. All things in nature, the stock market, how our cell phone antennas function, how a healthy heart beats and how tumors grow are all governed by a fractal nature we are just beginning to discern.

Fractals were first discovered in the mid-80's by Western culture in mathematics, and since then they have been helping us better understand the world and the cosmos we live in. This moved physics in a whole new direction, and the link between the confusing worlds of relativity and quantum reality are being further explored through a fractal lens.

Fractals are patterns that repeat themselves in varying scales, from large to small - and to infinity in each direction -  and yet the original pattern remains the same.

Fractals are images of unpredictable, dynamic systems – pictures of Chaos which deal with the transitions between order and disorder. Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions.
Nature is full of fractal patterning, such as in trees, lungs, rivers, bloodflow, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes and more. Abstract fractals are made by calculating a simple equation and repeating it – such as the Mandelbrot Set shown in this video. 


More ways to dive in

Sign up for things Geometric

In this occasional newsletter, I'll share interesting links, educational posts and you'll hear first of upcoming retreats and workshops. Plus you can watch this video for a laugh;). 

Workshops for Therapists

Those who work with bodies - from massage to acupuncture - can learn more about Neural Resonance Therapy®. Increase your clientele as you amplify your treatment results through an understanding of the fractal and geometric relationship to anatomy.  

Fractal Anatomy and the Geometry of Healing online program

Pi? Phi? Fibonacci? This extensive program covers the ABC's of geometry for beginners, and graduates to full fledged body understanding for therapists.

25 years of research in 20 minutes!


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