Fractal Anatomy and the Geometry of Healing Online Program

The ultimate Energy Body Bootcamp: Where Geometry, your Body, and new Physics meet your healing potential.

For those with a body, and those who work with them. 

"Your wisdom and artistry is a critical gift for the empowerment of other healers and for the healing of humanity at this epic time".

Foster Gamble:

Watch this interview to learn more

This program is also offered on the Resonance Science Foundations website. Watch this interview with Meredith, and Resonance Faculty member, Marshall Lefferts.

Read more about physicist Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Science Foundation 


The first program to unite Eastern energy systems and Western wisdom

What can we learn about our Western AND Eastern energetic anatomy? Learn how geometry and fractals are changing the world of technology and what this means to your own healing potential. Chakras are only the tip of the iceberg, and with information now available to us we are able to tap into the magic we always knew was there.

What will it do for me?

Geometry expands internal vision and insights as the left and right brain form a bridge between the subconscious and conscious minds. This increases lateral thinking, fuels creative drive and accelerates intuition and dreamscapes, where vision is born.

Understanding what is fractal about your anatomy further helps you unlock tension patterns causing pain, avoid injuries in other activities, heal old injuries, and lead you into a world of inner vision - and physical ease - that changes your experience of Living, inside and out. 

This program is worth a lifetime of study in one concise course

This informative and accessible online program for all levels of seekers and practitioners includes embodiment practices and a variety of rich media to stimulate a full spectrum of learning needs. Buy one or both levels at this incredibly low price - Level Two can only be seen after Level One!

Buy Level One for $298
Save $98: Buy Level One and Two for $498
Save $198: Bundle both levels with the Meridian Mastery program

Welcome to Fractal Anatomy and the Geometry of Healing

What is the program about, who is it for, and what will you learn?


Learn about fractals, your own fractal anatomy, and how geometry and healing go hand in hand to help anyone with a Body...

Theory, stretches, videos and written components will story tell, guide and educate you on how to help yourself or your clients if you are a somatic therapist of any kind.

Who is this for?

This extensive program is a first of its kind and a powerhouse of information for those with an interest in Sacred Geometry who want to know its practical applications. Enticing for sacred geometry enthusiasts, those interested in health and healing for themselves, as well as practitioners of the healing arts.

How does it work? 

Look to the left to see the details of Level One!

This is an online program that is accessible to you online for unlimited access!

To my knowledge, this is the only program available to cover so much about geometry and your own biology!

This program will take you on a unique journey to help unlock your own healing abilities through the kind of knowledge we have access to today, as East meets West. 

For therapists who are wanting to learn how to work with clients, this program is a prerequisite for workshops as it teaches you how to access the nervous system of your clients much more directly for amplified treatment results. 

Scroll down and check out all the details of both Levels One and Two. 

Please note that you can purchase Level One on its own, but Level Two can only be purchased with or upon completion of Level One. 

What is Sacred Geometry?

Here's a sample of one of the introductory videos in the program


Two Levels, 12 sections, and one low price for a great education

Level One is designed for anyone with a body who wants to understand the ABCs of geometry, the Flower of Life, Pi, Phi, Fibonacci, the five Platonic solids, and more. This pre-launch offer includes a 60-minute video tutorial on the Geometry of Healing to give you all the goods from both levels in one neat package. 

Level Two is for those who want to know even more about what this has to do with their body and health beyond the basics. This level also offers you the gift of a 60-minute Fractal Anatomy and Somatic Stretch® class to start you on a practice to embody your own art and connect with your own geometry. 

Lessons consist of video, written and audio components to merge your logical left brain with your intuitive right brain, for accelerated learning.  

This program is one of a kind

A thorough study of geometry and the body, where past meets present, and your health meets a new horizon.

Buy Level One for $298
Save $98; Buy Both Levels now for $498
Save $198: Bundle both levels with the Meridian Mastery program

Level One

1) Introduction: What you need to know to start this journey.

2) What is geometry?: Geometry in nature; medical examples; Western concepts of energy and the electro-magnetic spectrum.

3) The Building Blocks: Pi, Phi and Fibonacci; The five Platonic solids; Five Elements of Chinese Medicine; Pythia and Pythagoras.

4) Chakras and Planets: Sanskrit texts and what they really say; what singularities in physics are and how this explains Chakras today.

5) Physics and Chakras: a dive that lays out the basics of what we understand in physics today and how fractal things really are. 

6) Fractals and Fractal Anatomy: Patterns that repeat themselves at different scales have changed our world, and our Anatomy. 

7) How to use this on yourself: Begin the inner journey of what Fractals mean to your own body, the alleviation of tension and pain syndromes, and deeper access to your inner guidance and creativity. 

Want more detail?

Here is the breakdown of Level One

How is the program laid out?

How long is it? And what if I want less of a dive down the rabbit hole and more direct Body experiences? (See Blue section below, or video)


You can:

1) Buy only Level One for geometry enthusiasts who want the theory and how it relates to the Body. 

2) Buy Both Levels so you can dive deeper into the Body and the weave of Eastern to Western concepts. You cannot purchase Level Two without the pre-requisite of Level One. 

3) Less theory, more Body? Buy the Problems, Pains and Solution exercise series that is embedded in Level Two, without purchasing the whole Geometry of Healing Program. 

IMPORTANT; Do not purchase the exercise program if you are going to get the full Geometry of Healing program here! You will already have its gold. 

Overview of Level One

  1. What is Sacred Geometry?
    * Video: What is Sacred Geometry?; 9 minutes: 
    What it is and why it’s important: what 2D and 3D geometry look like: the Vector Equilibrium, Flower of Life, Seed of Life, Torus, and our bodies.

    * Written: Geometry Found in Nature;
    912 words: The cosmos, atoms, planets, the seen and unseen worlds; clearer differences between Eastern and Western medicine; cosmological geometry.

    * Written: Medical Examples of Energy; 2,010 words: The sinoatrial node, the sodium-potassium pump, dermatomes, and neural conduction.

    * Audio: Michael Faraday and the Electromagnetic Spectrum; 12 minutes: Sit back and listen to the beautiful story of Michael Faraday, the visionary who gave us the electromagnetic spectrum and the eventual understanding of frequency in the outer — and inner — worlds we inhabit.
  2. Building Blocks 

    * Video: Pi, Phi and Fibonacci; 12 minutes:
    How geometry is formed out of nothing; what Pi, Phi and Fibonacci actually are, and how they fit together and why.

    * Video: The Five Platonic Solids and Elements; 8 minutes: How the five solids nest into one another and form a primary fractal; what they have to do with Pi, Phi and Fibonacci; five elements in Chinese medicine; Pythagorean Pentalphas; Pentagrams of Hygeia.

    * Written: Five Elements, Five Geometric Patterns; 1,235 words: Five Elements/Five Phases theory in healing; pentacle patterns; goals and perspectives of working from Eastern concepts: the four elements of the ancient Greeks.

    * Audio: Pythia and Pythagoras; 9 minutes: This story begins with the Pythia — the historically famous oracles at Delphi — and explains the birth name of Pythagoras, as well as his life and times. Importantly, we also dive into the Pythagorean Pentalpha, which addresses the pentagonal nature of mankind and the higher, middle and lower worlds that we will see in other traditions of medicine and philosophy.
  3. Fractals and Fractal Anatomy 

    * Video: Fractals and Fractal Anatomy; 9.5 minutes: What a fractal is; how it is found in mathematics, art, the stock market, and nature. Eastern systems and pattern thinking; fractals in Western medicine; fractal geometry versus Euclidean and classical geometry; the Unified Field in mathematics, physics and medicine; symbols, fractals and healing.

    * Written: Fractals in the Every Day and Mind; 2,000 words: Fractals in the Mind and Body, not just in mathematics; fractals in breath, biology, anatomy, relationships and cancer, and how this is a positive thing.

    * Audio: Chaos Theory and Daily Life; 15 minutes: Fractals, what Chaos theory is and what fractals are in relation to it; how understanding stochastic fractals and deterministic systems can be fun!; why it’s worth knowing about.
  4. Chakras and Planets 

    * Video: Chakras, Planets and Spin; 4.5 minutes:
    A brief overview of the classical "Western" version of chakras that most are familiar with; planets in relation to energy in the body in ancient texts; the nature of Spin to planets, chakras and all vortexes of energy; spirographs in the Universe; Geometry and the elliptical orbit of Venus.

    * Written: Chasing Chakras; 1,286 words: How the seven system, color-coded version we know in the West is not in the Sanskrit texts and why; how chakras meet a better definition in the singularities of physics; the immense number of chakras that exist both inside and outside the body; how geometry guides us to important energetic centers such as these.

    * Audio: Chakras and the Lifecycle; 4 minutes: How pulse reading in Chinese medicine relates to the chakra lifecycle we are familiar with, even though we are never taught that there is a connection between the two.
  5. Physics and Chakras 

    * Video: Physics and Chakras; 2,060 words: 
    A fractal is a pattern that repeats itself at different scales, and so whether we are looking at a singularity, an event horizon, a chakra or the zero-point field, they are all pointing toward the same thing — a doorway to other dimensional shifts. This can be applied to healing.

    * Written: The Singularity Key; 800 words: The primary fractal found in concepts between physics and Eastern medicine; how this revolutionizes our ability to work on vaster scales understanding a holographic perspective; how chakras, protons and galaxies are all the same.

    * Audio: The Story of Alan Turing; 11 minutes: All manner of maths, Newton, new physics, and the story of Alan Turing alongside computers and castration; how pattern thinking radically progressed war coding and the creation of computers, and brought about the tragic end to one of the greatest pattern thinkers of our time.
  6. How to use this for yourself 

    * Audio: Summary; 15 minutes:
    What we have learned and how it applies directly to your body; the personal story of how this work began; how to approach fractals in your own biology; how Somatic Stretch is a method to access this information.

    * Video: Somatic Stretch® 
    and Fractals: We begin approaching the body with this new information; geometric angles and tension; joints and fractals and how to work best with them; the genesis and role of tension and pain syndromes, and how to help yourself.

    * Video: 30-minute Somatic Stretch® 
    class: Now you have a great understanding of how to apply this information to yourself using Somatic Stretch as a means of accessing your own fractal anatomy. Dive in and use the video to begin the journey into your own health and healing!

A more personal video

Here's a three-minute, personal share about how this work began after a powerful experience in 1995... and more on what this program covers.


Geometry is the key...

Through a doorway, into a rare experience we've been getting ready for, where your mind meets matter, and your body meets the cosmos.

Buy Level One for $298
Save $98: Buy Both Levels now for $498
Save $198: Bundle both levels with the Meridian Mastery program

Level One for Geometry enthusiasts; Level Two for the deeper Body dive

The Inner Body Dive

While some understand geometry and fractals and would like to skip Level One, it's important to journey through the first Level before we get deeper into the Body in Level Two.  

Level One draws you into the realm of geometry from the stars into the chakras. It looks at fractals from a beginner level, and further into their relationship to anatomy. 

Level Two will take you into the realm of Meridians, Dantien and more, while exercise videos take you into your body where fractals and anatomy relate, and release. 

You can buy either the first, or both levels at this low price for a remarkable amount of education told in bite-size, easy-to-digest sections!

Each section has video segments to help you work with many common physical ailments so you can apply this understanding to your own personal wellbeing. 

  1. Meridians and Nadis: What they are and how they relate to understanding your body better.
  2. Three Vertical Lines: Eastern wisdom, Western knowledge; Ida, Pingala, Sushumna; Kundalini theory and stories.
  3. Three Core Centers: Medieval philosophy; current medicine; sexuality and the three Dantiens.
  4. Horizontal Flow: Japanese Shiatsu energetics; Wilhelm Reich and the function of the orgasm.
  5. Kabbalah and Kundalini: Bringing geometry together; ancient wisdoms hidden within cosmological patterning.
  6. How to use this information: Somatic Stretch; fractal means of working with yourself; guidelines for therapists who work with the body.

Want to know more about Level Two?

Here's a complete overview!

  1. Introduction to Level Two

    As we learn how the geometry comes together via Eastern energy systems, we go on a personal, exploratory journey, working with common aches and pains and how to alleviate them through the fractal understanding we have gained. An excellent journey now that Level One is complete to help you work with your own physical issues, and gain greater insights for those who also work with clients.

  2. Meridians of Chinese Medicine

    * Video; 14 minutes: Here we run through what meridians are, their fractal nature, how they relate to numbers when it comes to yin and yang, what yin and yang are all about, and how crystals, light refraction and geometry explain Meridians too.

    * Written; 1,723 words: Where do the classical meridians actually come from? What geometry do they form in utero? Their currency electrically and emotionally and how illness arises via emotions; meridians as tarot cards and why doctors were not paid when their patients were sick.

    * Video; 25 minutes: A personal and fractal stretch into neck and shoulder tension, headaches, TMJ, anxiety, lung problems, elbow and wrist problems; hip pain and how to relate the upper to the lower bodyfractally!

  3. Three Centers: DanTien

    * Video; 10 minutes: DanTien and Trinities; explanation of the Three DanTien, their relationship to chakras, and other cultures that see the same thing.

    * Written; 2,842 words: DanTien in detail: the history, translations and locations of the Three Dantien; how they relate to ancient Chinese, Taoist and Hindu traditions; their relationship to the chakras; how advanced acupuncture character reading tells us much about geometry and the Vector Equilibrium; the science behind the yogic Breath of Fire.

    * Written; 929 words: The Enteric Nervous System; why medicine calls the gut the "Second Brain"; how the enteric nervous system modulates your immune system; chemicals in the gut affecting the brain.

    * Video; 24 minutes: Stretching into your fractals; lower body points that affect low back pain, sciatica, knee and ankle problems, endometriosis, intestinal disorders, and headaches!

  4. Three Vertical Lines: Nadis of Ayurveda

    * Video; 10 minutes: Three lines that govern the energy system: Ida, Pingala, Sushumna, and solar and lunar symbolism through the ages.

    * Written; 1,896 words: Differences between Jing and Qi; kidneys and your battery pack; how this corresponds to the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna of Ayurveda; medieval philosophers and our current understanding of the sympathetic trunk of the nervous system.

    * Video; 13 minutes: Stretching into your fractals: Middle Body; digestive issues, stomach and gall bladder problems, anxiety, anger, and creativity.

  5. Horizontal Flow and the World of Wilhelm Reich

    * Audio; 20 minutes: Many have heard of Wilhelm Reich and many stories are told of him that are not always accurate. Here we dive into his history and the remarkable contribution he made to the understanding of the body-mind connection, as well as orgasm and physical health. His work and insights shaped our somatic world — and also tragically ended his life in prison.

    * Written: What do we know about horizontal patterning in Japanese culture, Taoism and Chinese medicine? How does the horizontal relate to the vertical in our bodies?

    * Video; 15 minutes: Stretching into your fractals: how the armoring bands of Reich meet other horizontal patterning in the body, and points you can use to alleviate tension.
  6. Kabbalah, Kundalini and the Kabbalic Star: Bringing it all together

    * Written: A brief history of the Kabbalah, when it "started", who were its major contributors, and what is esoteric, spiritual or religious about it? What is its significance to Kundalini of the East, and are there connections to this "Blueprint of All Creation", as coined by Kabbalists?

    * Video; 15 minutes: How the Geometry comes together: Finally we can illustrate how all the Eastern and Western perspectives we have covered actually unite to form geometry — and even more specifically, the Kabbalah. This was an entirely unforeseen event throughout my years of research, and here we see the logical patterning, and what this points to.

    * Written: A personal story of cadavers and proof in the body on the intersection points discussed in Level Two. 

    * Video; 30 minutes:  A personal story about Kundalini, and the process by which this information began a process of neural repatterining that allowed the understanding of the geometry of healing to be considered.

  7. How to Use: For Therapists 

    * Video; 22 minutes: What is Neural Resonance Therapy®?; a more in-depth guide to approaching the upper body and sacral points to access the geometry — and the nervous system — most directly.


Level One: 

Free 60-minute video tutorial on Fractal Anatomy and the Geometry of Healing. A component of my workshops, this tutorial leads you through all the essentials in one short hour!

"WOW — finally someone is speaking in the language I love, and crave, and hardly find in the world. I have been studying all these concepts as well, but you have made a connection, found a secret, and created a method to put those concepts to use for humanity in the NOW." ~ customer testimonial


Level Two:

There are many ways to enhance your vision, creativity and personal health through the understanding of fractals and physiology. With Level Two you will receive an added 60-minute Somatic Stretch class to begin the journey into gentle flexibility while considering your internal energetic anatomy. For most ages, any sex, and all levels of flex! 

"This is the kind of work I can imagine doing my whole life!" ~ LA student

Increase your health, empower your wellness, and amplify your creativity!

Geometry is the only mathematical science that requires both the left and right sides of your brain. Dive now into the details to enhance vision and inspire creativity in your every day ā€” while the price is at its Special Launch discount.

Buy Level One for $298
Save $98: Buy Both Levels now for $498
Save $198: Bundle both levels with the Meridian Mastery Program

This level of education on the body and geometry has not been seen before.

Sacred Geometry. Cosmological geometry. We wear it on our t-shirts, we marvel over beautiful fractal art, we see it in the religious tiling of mosques, we live within it as the Nature that surrounds us — and that we embody.

Yet the answer to what it means eludes many.

What it means to you and your biology has never been understood. 

Answers such as "it’s all one" are true, but this barely scratches the surface of this ancient philosophy that traverses areas ranging from architecture and music to the movement of planets. For some it represents "the ascension process", which is another way of saying that it elevates consciousness. But how?

"Fractals" are how our cell phone batteries interweave to keep us connected, and even our DNA uses the golden mean proportion to create every cell. 

The depth and breadth of geometry, fractals, Pi, Phi and the five Platonic solids weave a fascinating story of your own body, mind and the material world.

Want to learn more?

This work is the result of 25 years of personal and professional research that began in 1995.

Comprehensive and clear with rare information, this launch special is the best way to acquire cutting-edge information in an inspiring and compact format.


...and the understanding of it is essential to health, creative thinking, and accelerated visioning.

Buy Level One for $298
Save $98: Buy Both Levels now for $498
Save $198: Bundle both levels with the Meridian Mastery program

50% Complete

Two Step

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